Andra Ardelean, Roxana Buzatu, Otilia-Cornelia Bolos, Laura-Cristina Rusu, Anca Tudor, Marius Traian Leretter
DOI : 10.62610/RJOR.2024.4.16.71
Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate the main dental and gingival parameters in order to quantify the differences between genders and between symmetrical elements on the two hemiarches.Materials and methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 52 patients (20 men and 32 women) without periodontal pathologies, dental abrasions, and with properly aligned maxillary teeth. Intraoral scans of the dental arches were performed using the Medit i700 scanner to obtain virtual 3D models. In the Medit Design application, measurements were taken of the distance between the zenith of the maxillary lateral incisor and the line connecting the zeniths of the maxillary central incisor and canine on the same hemi-arch, along with measurements of the width and height of the maxillary central incisor, calculating their proportions accordingly.
Results: In 11.64% of cases, the zenith of the left lateral incisor was positioned apically relative to the line connecting the zenith of the left central incisor to that of the left canine, while in 88.36% of cases, it was positioned coronally to this line. On the right hemiarch, 17.31% of cases showed the lateral incisor’s zenith located apically to the line, whereas in 82.69% of cases, it was positioned coronally. Regarding the width-to-length ratio of the upper central incisors, no significant differences were observed between the values obtained for the left and right upper central incisors.
Conclusions: No significant gender-based differences were demonstrated in the measured values from the zenith of the upper lateral incisor to the line connecting the zenith of the upper central incisor with that of the canine, nor were there significant differences between the two hemi-arches. Likewise, regarding the proportion of the upper central incisors, no significant differences were observed between genders, nor between the left and right upper central incisors.