For authors

The review process

The received articles are subject to the peer review / review process, a process made by the editorial staff led by the editor-in-chief and the scientific secretary of the journal by transmitting to reviewers, famous personalities of dentistry. Following this approach, the resulting observations will be communicated to the authors in order to correct them within 45 days of receipt of the article. The references will analyze the articles received based on the following evaluation criteria approved by the editorial staff of the journals:

1. Compliance with the technical editing conditions
2. The degree of originality and novelty of the proposed topic in accordance with the latest data of the specialized literature
3. Clarity, conciseness and accuracy of the text
4. Relevance of the study for the research activity and / or the impact on the practical activity in the field of oral rehabilitation referred to in the article
5. Relevance of bibliographic sources

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For original articles the content should be structured in the following sections: INTRODUCTION, MATHERIAL AND METHOD, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUZIONS, THANKS and BIBLIOGRAPHY

Preparing of the manuscript preparing of the manuscript will be done regarding the instructions, which are published in: Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals (1994) Lancet 1996; 348; V2; 1-4.

The text will be written with Time New Romans 12 pts. The pages will be numbered only down right.

The materials won’t be longer than: original articles – 6 pages/2500 words; reviews and updates – 8 pages/3500 words; Case study – 4 pages/1700 words.

Title and authors the title will be written with normal letters. The name will be written with the normal letters, the surname before the name for the first author entire and for the other authors abbreviated.

The affiliation will contain the institution (University and Faculty/Hospital) and department (Department/Discipline/Section) for each author.

The authors must mention which author is designated for correspondence with contact details (e-mail and phone).

Summary the title of article, written with caps lock, followed by the abstract must be before the summary as in the following example:

NEUROLOGICAL MANIFESTATIONS IN COLAGEN DISEASES (Abstract): Colagen disease are … (it follows the text written without alignment). At the end of the summary written in English must be written with caps lock the key-words (3 to 5), as in INDEX MEDICUS and MEDLINE.

Subtitles within the article must be written with caps lock.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables must be well-balanced inserted in the text. Every figure and table must have a title and legend.

Figures, numbered with Arabic numbers, will have 6,5 cm (to be posted in a column) or 13,5 cm (to be posted in two columns) and will be mentioned in text between brackets (fig. 1). Figures must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Photographs scanned at a resolution of minimum 300 dpi and saved in computer as original folder (*.TIFF, *.JPG);

  • Images (designs, graphics) made on computer, mentioned in text, original folder (*.XLS, *.CDR).

The titles and legends of the figures will be written after the example:

Tables, the numbering with the roman numbers, mentioned in text between brackets (tab. III), will be inserted in text and will have 6,5 cm or 13,5 cm, no longer than the margins of the page.

The title of the table will be positioned upon the table as in the example:

Comparative analytical data

Bibliography bibliographic references must be numbered with Arab numbers in the order of publications (not alphabetic order). Bibliography will be placed at the end of the article and will contain only the references used in the text (by mentioning between the brackets of the reference number).

Abbreviation of the journal titles will be made as in index medicus.

Are accepted the following forms of writing the bibliography:

Review articles:

Amura SG. Neurotransmitter transportor: recent progress. Ann Rev Neurosci 1993; 16: 73-93.

Tonis PJ, von Sandick JW, Nieweg OE et al. The hidden sentinel node in breast cancer. Eur J Nucl Med 2002; 29: 305-311.


Title of the book:

Ashcroft FM. Ion channels and disease. San Diego, London: Academic Press, 2000.

Chapter of a book pandiom MR, Fischer DA. Immunoradiometric assays. In: Scabes CG editor. Handbook of Endocrine Research Techniques. New York, London: Academic Press, 1993, 26-52.

For other situations the following site will be consulted:

Article Template .docx

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