Kamel Earar, Aurel Nechita, Alina Mihaela Calin, Ana Magdalena Bratu, Ciprian Adrian Dinu, Alina-Ramona Dimofte, Sonia Teodora Statescu Manaila, Gabriela Stan, Gabi Topor, Victorita Stefanescu, Iulian Catalin Bratu, Doriana Agop-Forna, Iulia Alecsandra Salcianu
DOI : 10.62610/RJOR.2024.1.16.48
During pregnancy, dental care is important for the overall health of the mother and unborn baby. However, it is essential to take into account certain aspects when planning dental treatments in a pregnant woman with cardio-vascular pathological implications. It is important to coordinate with your medical and dental team to ensure a safe and effective treatment plan. Pregnancy can bring additional challenges for patients with cardiovascular pathological implications during dental treatments. The medical team must know these aspects to ensure safe and effective dental treatment. Pregnancy itself can affect the cardiovascular system, and this aspect should be taken into account during dental treatments in pregnant women. It is also important to pay attention to medications and procedures used in dentistry to minimize the risk of cardiovascular complications during this delicate period. The dental management of a pregnant patient in the third trimester of pregnancy in the 7th month should be approached with caution and special attention to ensure the safety of both lives. In general, dental treatments are recommended during pregnancy to prevent dental complications that can affect the general health of the mother and fetus