Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Numarul 4 DOXYCYCLINE BONE LABELING – IMPACT ON MRONJ TREATMENT


Vlad Daniel, Aureliana Caraiane,  Adrian Creangă, Cristina Bartok-Nicolae


Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) represent a growing incidence pathology. Switching from bisphosphonate to denosumab treatment did not reduced the cases numbers, instead it increased the MRONJ incidence [1, 2]. Complete removal of necrotic bone is essential for wound healing [3]. Necrotic bone identification represent a challenge for a successful outcome. Main clinical criteria are the aspect of the bone and bleeding; imaging investigation commonly used are RMN and CT [4-7]. The aim of this study is to underline the value of doxycycline bone labeling in necrotic bone resection in MRONJ.

Case report: We present a 57 year-old female oncologic patient with MRONJ treated using fluoroscopic guided bone resection.

Discussion: Doxycycline bone labeling is a valuable tool for increased necrotic bone visualization and resection in MRONJ.

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