Lenka Vavrickova, Jan Schmidt, Hana Hubalkova, Doriana Agop Forna, Martin Kapitan
DOI : 10.62610/RJOR.2024.4.16.78
This manuscript presents three case reports demonstrating the use of occlusal splints fabricated through both conventional and digital methods in clinical practice. The first case involves a 65-year-old male bruxist treated with a 3D-printed Muscle Relaxation Appliance to alleviate muscular facial pain and restore vertical dimension occlusion. The second case describes a 30-year-old pregnant woman with anterior disc displacement without reduction (DDwoR) who received an Anterior Repositioning Appliance fabricated using additive digital technology to improve temporomandibular joint function. The third case features a 70-year-old male undergoing implant-supported full-mouth reconstruction, utilizing a conventionally made splint for centric relation to achieve a stable horizontal relationship between the maxilla and mandible. These cases highlight the practical application of digital facebow technology and CAD/CAM workflows in enhancing the precision and comfort of occlusal splint therapy. The results emphasize the effectiveness of customized splint designs in managing complex temporomandibular disorders and related orofacial conditions.