Codruta Elena Ciurescu, Lorena Dima, Vlad Alexandru Ciurescu, Marius Alexandru Moga, Marius Traian Leretter, Laura-Cristina Rusu, Codruta Victoria Tigmeanu
DOI : 10.62610/RJOR.2024.1.16.1
Aim of the study The objective of this study is to examine the impact of treatment with two simultaneous lasers on implant mucositis. Material and methods A number of 40 patients (90 implants) were included in this research. They were allocated randomly in 2 groups. Results Both variables as Pocket depth around implants (if diminished under 6 mm of depth) and the absence of clinical signs of inflammation by means the absence of measured bleeding on probing at 6 months after performing the treatment were evaluated together as parameters evaluating the success of the performed treatment, and significantly better results were observed in first group of subjects at their evaluation.