Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Numarul 2 Parental Nutrition Effects Over Speech Developement

Parental Nutrition Effects Over Speech Developement

Stefan Lucian Burlea, Valeriu V. Lupu, Anamaria Burlea

The programs of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) or continuous delivery enteral nutrition (CDEN) will have a positive effect on health and a negative effect on speech occurrence and future development. Identifying any disturbance in child’s development requires immediately taking adequate amelioration and multifactor support actions. Working as a mixed team (physicians, speech therapists, psychologists and physical therapists), we developed a program which had as its main objectives: stating the effects of the parenteral/enteral nutrition program on future child development; preventing the occurrence of disturbances in child development through family counselling and early intervention; creating a system of services addressed to families with children fed intravenously/intestinally. The beneficiaries of this program were 40 children, born prematurely and tube fed, who often needed to be hospitalized in the gastroenterology or intensive care clinics of the “St. Mary” Children Emergency Hospital from Iasi.

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