Gabriela Paduraru, Marin Burlea, Anca Adam, Vasile Valeriu Lupu, Ancuta Ignat
Human Cytomegalovirus is known to be the most common cause of congenital and perinatal infection in developed countries. The gastrointestinal involvement is not usually found among its’ most frequent clinical presentations. We present the case of a male infant, aged 1 month and 2 weeks, admitted in our clinic presenting abdominal meteorism, with progressive intensification from the age of 3 weeks old, but normal passage of gas and feces. Laboratory tests revealed cholestasis syndrome, discrete hepatocitolysis syndrome and positive Ig M and Ig G levels for Cytomegalovirus. The imagistic investigations and surgical examination excluded the surgical origin of the symptoms. It was established the diagnosis of gastrointestinal pseudo-obstruction associated with perinatal Cytomegalovirus infection. During a second admission in our clinic, to exclude the possible complications of the Cytomegalovirus infection, a cranio-cerebral CT was performed which identified bilateral modification of otomastoiditis and raised the suspicion of moderate cerebral atrophy. Our case adds to the limited existing information on the clinical picture of Cytomegalovirus infection and supports the idea that the gastrointestinal manifestations of the infection are more common than known.
Key words: Human Cytomegalus infection, sub-occlusive intestinal syndrome, infant