Celina Stafie, Antoneta Dacia Petroaie, Monica Iuliana Ungureanu, Anca Mihaela Viţalariu, Irina Iuliana Costache
Healthcare workers are on the front lines of COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses and medical doctors have been the most exposed population. From all specialties involved in dealing with SARS-CoV2 disease, some of them seem to be more exposed than the others. From all specialties, infectious diseases, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, dentists and ophthalmology doctors, were at greatest risk of contracting COVID-19. Dentists have lived with the fear of self-contamination and transmission of the virus, as well as taking the risk of neglecting emergencies and chronic pathologies, or prosthetic work postponed, due to the pandemic, which drastically reduced the number of interventions. The SARS-Cov2 pandemic generated a new problem within the first three months of 2021, apart from the one created by the disease itself: allergic reactions, even fatal, that occured after the COVID-19 vaccination. Could dental practices add, under these circumstances, a supplemental risk for the newly vaccinated COVID-19, this is the main question we need to answer.