Danisia Haba, Ana Nemtoi, Alexandru Luculescu, Bogdan Dobrovat,Roxana Popescu, Ana Elena Sirghe, Mihai Constantin, Alexandru Nemtoi
The aim of this study is to examine the morphology, such as the inclination of the articular slope, as well as the dimensions of the articular space, and volume of the mandibular condyle, using a modern imaging method, such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). In this study were included randomly selected patients who were investigated for diagnosing various pathologies in the oro-maxillofacial area using CBCT, between 2018-2019. The evaluation was performed on a number of 35 patients, on both sides of the temporal-mandibular joint, of which 15 men and 20 women. Regarding the realization of the CBCT, the Planmeca Promax 3D Mid device (Planmeca OY, Helsinki, Finland) was used. Linear and volumetric measurements were performed on the sections for each part of the joint, right – left, by using Romexis 4.0 (Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland). The data collected in this study may be a useful reference for the clinical evaluation of mandibular condyle positions in subjects with normal functional joints.