Livia Bobu, Lucia Barlean, Alice Murariu, Magda Barlean
The aim of the present study was to investigate the caries risk of schoolchildren in Iasi, Romania, using the cariogram program. Material and methods: the study was cross sectional, clinical and microbiological, and included 533 children aged 7 to 12 years, with various levels of socioeconomic status. Assessment of caries risk factors followed the protocol of the cariogram. Clinical and bacteriological assessments and questionnaires were used. Results: 35.81% of the children presented a high caries risk, and 36.78% – moderate caries risk. Caries risk decreased with increasing age and socioeconomic status. The DMFS index of 12-year-old children with high caries risk was 8.44 times higher than the DMFS index of children with low caries risk. Conclusion: The results of the study highlight the need for complex school-based caries preventive programs.
Key words: caries risk, schoolchildren, socioeconomic status.