Today, February 28, 2011 is the moment the first pilot-center from Romania and the first network of oral rehabilitation is founded as part of the project “ Center of training specialists and resources of oral rehabilitation”, cofunded from the Social European Fund through the Regional Operational Project for Human Resource Development 2007-2013, Priority Axe 1 “Education and professional training in the view of economic growth and social development based on knowledge”, Major domain of intervention 1.3 “Human resource development in education and training”, Contract Identification Number: POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62208.
Today, February 28, 2011 is the moment the first pilot-center from Romania and the first network of oral rehabilitation is founded as part of the project “ Center of training specialists and resources of oral rehabilitation”, cofunded from the Social European Fund through the Regional Operational Project for Human Resource Development 2007-2013, Priority Axe 1 “Education and professional training in the view of economic growth and social development based on knowledge”, Major domain of intervention 1.3 “Human resource development in education and training”, Contract Identification Number: POSDRU/87/1.3/S/62208.