Lucian Stefan Burlea, Laura Elisabeta Checheriţă, Veronica Serban Pintiliciuc, Liana Aminov, Norina Consuela Forna, Toma Marius Cristian, Antonela Maria Beldiman, Edlibi Al Hage Walid,Ovidiu Stamatin
Unfavorable biomechanics was found in the prosthetic field for complex rehabilitation in terms of biomechanical stress distribution, restoration of phonetics, comfort, esthetics, and hygiene, as well as postoperative care and maintenance. TMJ dysfunction was also observed, in the obesity group, it can occur even in the absence of dental caries or edentation which indicated the independence of the process and also the connection that can further complicate the clinical situation.
DOI : 10.6261/RJOR.2024.2.16.8