Celina Stafie, Alice Mirela Murariu, Ingrid Ioana Stafie
Background: The multiple drug allergy syndrome, in absence of any past allergic history can be explained by the drug hypersensitivity syndrome or drug intolerance. The last is defined as having greater than 3 or more unrelated drug intolerant reactions or drug allergies. Beneath this syndrome usually stands a thyroid or liver dysfunction. Importance of the problem: To clarify the etiology and pathogenity of the multiple and simultaneous allergic and/or non allergic manifestations and find therapeutic alternatives, especially for patients under great surgical anesthetic risk. The diagnostic tests include for immediate allergic reactions, prick tests, intradermic drug tests and speciphic IgE, while for non allergic or for pseudo allergies( food additives), tests of histamin release and basophil activation and degranulating test.