Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Numarul 2 IS INLAY A CURRENT METHOD OF TREATMENT ?


Gabriel-Valeriu popa, Dorina-Cerasella Sincar, Dan Ionel Cristian, Mioara Decusară, Grecu Gina Paunita, Gabriela Popa, Gabi Topor, Kamel Earar


Introduction. Incrustation is indicated in the treatment of coronary lesions as an alternative to obturations by direct techniques but also has a number of specific prosthetic indications. At present, most of the cases are based mainly on conservative odontal techniques, whereby the defect or lack of hard dental material is rehabilitated with the help of obturations made of suitable materials.  Material and method. The study was conducted over a period of 24 months (between 2016 and 2018), on a batch of 10 patients 20 composites (“Nexco Paste” – Ivoclar-Vivadent) were made by the indirect method for 20 teeth (10 premolars and 10 molars respectively), of which 10 for Class I and 10 cavities for Mezio- occlusal  or Disto- occlusal class II cavities. Results. For the evaluation  of  the results, a set of direct clinical assessment criteria, following the USPHS model (based on the modified CVAR / RYGE criteria), was used. The criteria used to evaluate the results were as follows: 1. Coronary aesthetic / physiognomic aspect; 2. Anatomical coronary form; 3. Coronary axial contour; 4. proximal interdental contact area; 5. Marginal adaptation; 6. Marginal discoloration; 7. Marginal side caries; 8. Postoperative sensitivity. The evolution of the results was followed at 1 year and 2 years respectively. Conclusions. In dentistry, as well as in biology, boundaries can generally be placed only taking into account the particularities of each case. There are clear indications for each type of direct and / or indirect restoration.

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