Ciprian Florin Badea, Kamel Earar, Cristina Cehan, Ramona Diana Feier, Alina-Ramona Dimofte, Aurelia Caraiane
In the present, through numerous specialized studies, doctors try pacient’s awareness of the harm of teeth absence in the side of the arch, explaining them that, since the first tooth lost , an evolutionary disturbance of balance starts, physiological , with complications on structures anatomy of the whole organism ( installation gastro- intestinal diseases ) and the device dento-maxillary ( phonation, mastication, deglutition, aesthetics), triggering a state of psycho-somatic lability. The restitution of mastication with the help of a removable prothesis mobilize made of materials flexible materials was achieved using tabulation and comparing the dates obtained through a chewing test. The study was applied on a sample of 45patients (27 female out of whom flexib whom 20 had flexible protheses and 7 acrylic ones, and 18 male, 14 with flexible to a jaw and 4 with total acrylic prostheses). A reference group of 8 patients with intact dental arches is added to them . Mastication performance is tightly dependent on the number of remaining teeth, but and the type of prosthesis, if possible prostheses to ensure stability on the prosthetic field, counteracting the negative aspects of the morphologic changes and function occurred at the bone level and structures soft oral.