Cristina Iordache, Andrei Alexandru Iliescu, Kamel Earar, Gabi Topor, Edlibi Al Hage Walid
The need to introduce aesthetics in dentistry is directly related to the sense of beauty. Each individual possesses this (aesthetic) sense, and expression, interpretation and individual experience give its originality. The meaning of aesthetics for each individual depends on his perceptual accuracy, his intellect and affectivity, by which he records and memorizes the object in sight, by which he measures and evaluates the value of that object. In a general way, it can be said that aesthetic evaluation is subjected to social, family and individual influences. The oral cavity, by morphology, by the complexity of its functions and by its physical-psychic significance, is the dominant facial element. From an aesthetic point of view, the oral cavity has to be approached from two perspectives: the intrinsic dental composition and dental-facial composition. As such, an impairment of any component in this area is likely to lead to changes of aesthetic importance, variable, depending on the nature and location of the lesion. Modern aesthetics is based on ethical principles in the context of general improvement of oral condition. Restoration therapy, and especially the aesthetic nature, requires the dentist to be an artist and a scientist at the same time. Dental-maxillo facial aesthetics provides a new dimension to treatment, which means that it provides a new means of artistic expression to the dentist.