C.I. Săveanu, L. Bobu , D. Mohamed, C. Balcoș, I. Bamboi, L. Golovcencu, A.E.Săveanu, D.Anistoroaei, Anca Melian
The aim of the present study was to assess oral health attitudes and behaviors of first grade schoolchildren in Iasi, Romania. Material and methods : The study cross-sectional included 200 children aged 6-7 years, attending schools in various districts of Iasi town, Romania. A 20-item questionnaire, completed by the children and their parents was used. Results: 21% of the subjects reported they had never been consulted by a dentist. 56% of the investigated children declared they brushed their teeth twice/day. The adjuvant means of oral hygiene were used in the form of mouthrinses (26% of the schoolchildren in the study) and dental floss (8.5%). The mean time spent on toothbrushing was 2 minutes for 46%of the children. Conclusion: The results of the study underline the need for effective oral health education, addressed to children, parents and educators.