Roxana Ionela Vasluianu, Nicoleta Ioanid, Catalina Holban – Cioloca, Raluca Elena Baciu, Doriana Agop-Forna, Alice Murariu
The term prostheses refers to all mechanical devices that serve as a functional or cosmetic replacement for lost anatomical tissue. The causes and significance of tooth loss vary widely among individuals and may be replaced by a variety of means for functional, social and psychological reasons, rather than for significant physical health benefits. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the importance to establish an correct alghoritm for oral rehabilitation by specific and non-specific treatment, in order to increase the adaptation of removable denture. Accurate and complete charting of caries, existing restorations, periodontal tissues, to include pocket probing and mobility, and general bone levels sometimes recommend approach of specific and nonspecific treatment.