Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Numarul 4 STATISTICAL STUDY OF DENTAL CROWDING


Mioara Decusară,  Daniela Cornea, Dorina-Cerasella Şincar, Mariana Ilie


Introduction : The evolution of the dento-maxillary apparatus in today’s world is quantitatively regressive and should not be regarded as an involution, representing an adaptive development to the new conditions of life and environment, and especially to the feeding. The result is a discrepancy between the tooth size and the alveolar volume, which causes malocclusions, the most frequent being those with dental crowding.

Aims : The purpose of the study is to establish  on a specific group of patients  the frequency of dento-alveolar diasharmony with crowding according to age, gender, environement, type of dentition, tooth-maxillary anomalies and orthodontic treatment.

           Material and methods: The study was performed on a group of 223 patients, the age between 6 and 45 years. over a period of 2 years, in an dental office in Brăila, patients being informed and accepting to participate in the study .

           Results and discussions :   The results obtained on the studied group showed that the dental crowding have a close correlation with the age and type of dentition of the patient, with the malocclusions and the local factors.

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